Landscaping Maintenance – Spring Cleaning with IVM Landscaping Supplies

Though it may not feel like it yet, spring is around the corner. This means there will be a considerable amount of landscaping maintenance to do – whether it’s public or office parks, residential estates or holiday resorts. It’s time to get your checklist ready and contact your nearest IVM Chemicals consultant to ensure you have all your spring maintenance essentials. Here’s what you need to add to your to-do list:


Getting rid of dead wood

Once the temperatures rise the trees’ leaves should start to appear. If the leaves do appear and they look healthy, you might only need fertilizer to keep it healthy and strong. However, if the tree or certain branches do not have any leaves or the leaves appear unhealthy, you’ll have to take a closer look. Sick or dead trees pose a serious threat to both the trees surrounding it and anyone or anything in the vicinity of the tree, especially in public areas.

If the tree is infested with insects it may play host and infect other trees. If a tree is leaning for whatever reason (rot, infestation, root damage) it may fall on someone, a car or a building causing serious injury or damage. Trees that are infested with unknown pests or fungus should be cut down, the wood must be disposed of responsibly and processed to safeguard against spreading. The stump can then be removed using chemical management products.


Lawn care

A lush lawn is the key to a good looking landscape. Keeping the lawn healthy and green during spring and summer requires both mechanical and chemical maintenance. Inspect the grass to see if there are any weeds or unwanted vegetation that has managed to crop up during winter. Identify the weed or unwanted vegetation and talk to your IVM consultant about the best and most appropriate herbicide to eliminate weeds and unwanted vegetation on your lawn. It’s advisable to deal with this as soon as possible before the growing season is in full swing. If the lawn is in an area such as an office park or residential estate you may need to apply fertiliser to improve the health and appearance of the grass.


Managing pests and plant disease

In general, keeping a close eye on vegetation and the landscape all year round is necessary to protect it from pests and plant disease. In winter pest and plant diseases may decrease as the cooler temperatures drive them to lay dormant, waiting for warmer weather. Rodents and insects can structurally harm plants and cause serious structural and financial damages. When selecting a chemical management programme to control pests it’s important to take the whole environment and eco-system into consideration. IVM Chemical can assist with selecting the right programme for your company, your landscape and the environment.

Insects are often also carriers of plant disease which is just another reason to be vigilant about controlling harmful insect populations. Insecticides are effective in managing insect pest. IVM Chemical will help you select an insecticide product that is registered as effective for the management of specific insects and adheres to FSC approval and compliances.


How can IVM Chemicals make life easier for you?

IVM provides a variety of registered weed, pest and disease control solutions to assist landscaper and landscape management teams with their monthly and seasonal maintenance. We are able to provide pre-emergence, non-selective and selective herbicides, pesticides, insecticides and fertiliser for all your landscaping needs.


IVM Chemicals can also supply the necessary equipment and training for weed spraying teams. We have all the necessary equipment you may need for the application of our products: 16 l knapsacks, manual and electric sprayers and a variety of nozzles for all your application requirements.


IVM sales representatives have AVCASA, PCO licenses and IVM is a member of CropLife. We have been actively assisting the South African forestry industry for more than 10 years and we regularly provide training to spraying teams.


For more information on our Forestry products and services please contact us today.